New Course! Learn to correct depreciation errors using Form 3115

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The information presented in this presentation and related materials are dated and can and often does change without warning. Be sure to consult with a paid professional before attempting to apply any of the information included in this presentation and related materials. This presentation and all accompanying or related forms, manuals, and/or materials are for informational purposes only., its authors, instructors, publishers, employee, partners, and vendors are not rendering legal, accounting, IRS, tax advice or opinions on specific facts or matters and, accordingly, assume no liability whatsoever with the use or application of this presentation and all accompanying or related forms, manuals, and/or materials. This presentation and all accompanying or related forms, manuals, and/or materials are for informational purposes only and nothing herein constitutes the provision of tax or legal advice. By purchasing this material you agree and understand that:

  • The information presented in this presentation and related materials are dated and can and often does change without warning.
  • This presentation and all accompanying or related forms, manuals, and/or materials are for informational purposes only.
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  • This presentation and all accompanying or related forms, manuals, and/or materials are for informational purposes only and nothing herein constitutes the provision of tax or legal advice.
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