Are you thinking of starting a business but are discouraged by the fact that most go under within a few short years of opening? Don’t Worry! Many owners achieve resounding success – And you can too! Do you own a business that hasn’t achieved its potential? Are you working every day, harder and longer than anyone you know, but barely making ends meet? Is paying your bills a week-to-week and month-to-month struggle?
There’s Good News! You can transform your business!
The Five Steps to Building a Successful Business is the product of 20+ years of working with small businesses and asking three simple questions:
In short, what makes a successful business different from one that struggles or fails? Surprisingly, the answers I found have very little to do with the business itself – it’s product, location, size, or funding – and nearly everything to do with the owner.
Successful business owners share five common traits. The owners of businesses that struggle or fail lack one or more of these traits.
Successful owners are not born; they get taught. The five traits are skills acquired from experience and intuition. You can learn these skills! And we teach them in The Five Steps to Building a Successful Business.
Actionable information you can apply immediately.
We teach The Five Steps to Building a Successful Business in 24 lessons spanning five hours. This course will help the following individuals maximize their business potential:
What skills do The Five Steps to Building a Successful Business Teach?
All courses and articles are for informational purposes only and do not constitute tax advice. Taxes are complicated - do not act on course information without consulting a professional. Always refer to treasury regulation before making any tax decision. Read the full disclaimer.
I just completed the 1099-NEC/MISC course - this was very helpful to me. It is greatly appreciated.
- Tammy L, Anchorage, AK, 1099-NEC & 1099-MISC Course (Training Edition) CourseThis course package is thorough and will give you a solid handle on how to optimize your business expenses to minimize your taxes and keep appropriate records to handle any IRS challenges. Only want to dive into a particular topic? Jump to that video and scan forward to where your issue is addressed. Or watch the whole series to learn it all!
- Josh, Charles Town, WV, Real Estate Agent Tax-Cut Library, Agent Edition CourseThe course was great. It was exactly what I was looking for.
- Kat, Gibraltar, MI, 1120-H Basics CourseI haven’t practiced in the accounting field in quite some time and wanted a refresher. The Overnight Account course 1099-Misc Basics was very helpful! It was simple to follow along and understand each section. I would highly recommend this course! Staff were quick to answer my question as well. I love that I can review the modules again, if needed, at any time. I will definitely be using them again for more classes.
- Tammy, Anchorage, AK, 1099-MISC Basics (Training Edition) CourseI haven’t practiced in the accounting field in quite some time and wanted a refresher. The Overnight Account course 1099-Misc Basics was very helpful! It was simple to follow along and understand each section. I would highly recommend this course! Staff were quick to answer my question as well. I love that I can review the modules again, if needed, at any time. I will definitely be using them again for more classes.
- Tammy, Anchorage, AK, 1099-MISC Basics Course